A⅃ꟼ-Stop the ALPs becoming Plastic Mountains
Stop the ALPs becoming Plastic Mountains project was financed by the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) which awarded ERI’s idea – together with five other projects in every corner of the planet – at the end of a selection among 180 projects.
The project aimed to protect the high mountain habitat, one of the last uncontaminated environments in southern Europe, from plastic pollution: this, in fact, contrary to what one might think, also affects the wild and pure territories of Alpine peaks. Precious ungulates, carnivores, birds, flowers and plants live in this environment. Working with 4 Alpine refuges very different in size, location, accessibility and number of visitors, we have developed a strategy to eliminate single-use plastic objects, a path that can then be shared and implemented with other refuges through the sharing of the experience gained .
The refuges involved were: Guido Muzio, in the Gran Paradiso Park; Les Montagnards, in Balma, in Val d’Ala/Valli di Lanzo; the Selleries, in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Park, in Val Chisone; the Pagarì, in the Maritime Alps Park in the Gesso valley. To this very concrete prevention activity, 15 cleaning events were added on 150 km of paths, lake shores, alpine meadows, screes and rocks, in the reference area of the refuges involved.
The project also included an intense training-awareness program which involved alpine and hiking guides, mountain professionals, volunteers/enthusiasts of hiking and the environment, local schools, the tourism sector and institutions.
Finally, in parallel with the project activities, extensive monitoring of the microplastics present in the snow of the Western Alps was carried out – in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Turin: research that provided very important data to understand the evolution of this insidious pollution.
Social network: https://www.facebook.com/CleanAlps
For more info: Franco Borgogno – b.franco@eri.net.in