France, Italy, Greece, Malta
Working Group
ACTeon, ERI, CNR, ANISN, DUTH, HCMR, IMEV, OFB, Parc National des Calanques, University of Malte
France, Italy, Greece, Malta
September 2020 - July 2023

Supporting the development of social-inclusive Blu Challenges in schools in the Mediterranea sea-basin

The importance of protecting and managing the ocean sustainably is gaining increasing political and social attention. Yet, the education system in many countries approaches the topic in a very fragmented way – it is unable to make people understand the meaning of the ocean as a complete ecosystem, as a source of resources, as a regulator of the climate, as an important component of our culture. With this project, ERI and its partners intend to help the entire society take a step forward in understanding the indispensable role of the seas and oceans, starting from the education of students in schools.

The project aims to support the development of Blue Challenges & Initiatives, a project in primary and secondary schools, aimed at both young people and teachers in the Mediterranean basin. Four basic points:

  • the project contributed to the comparative analysis of initiatives for the promotion of knowledge of the ocean (which we commonly define as the sea, but it is the same single large global organism), organized in schools in many countries overlooking the Mediterranean;
  • supported the creation of school ecosystems that contributed to the design, implementation and evaluation of Blue projects in 14 schools;
  • promoted exchanges between teachers from different countries and between children, helping to identify the cornerstones for the diffusion of the Blue Challenge concept and the internalization of marine issues in school activities;
  • finally, the project contributed to the emergence of a community of schools, in the Mediterranean basin, which are committed to integrating marine issues into their educational projects.

Project in-depth site:

For more Info:

Franco Borgogno – 

Anita Pócsai –