SAFER is a project financed by the European Commission within the AMIF 2021-2027 funding line (Asylum, migration and integration fund) and sees KMOP (Greece), Danish Refugee Council Italia and the University of Sofia (Bulgaria) as project partners ).
The SAFER project aims to build and disseminate an information and awareness campaign on the risks of irregular migration from Pakistan to Europe. The campaign which will take place in five regions of Pakistan (Islamabad, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh) aims to change the perception and migratory choices of Pakistani citizens regarding the idea of migrating irregularly, focusing with particular attention on the population male, aged 18 to 30 with a low level of education. To do this, it will provide reliable, factual and balanced information not only regarding risks but also regarding legal migration alternatives.
Social media or fb page:
In the process of being created
For more information:
Giulia Villirillo: v.giulia@eri.net.in