Data di pubblicazione


The European Research Institute (ERI) is seeking the services of two (2) accountants/accounting firms to provide financial analysis support within the framework of the CONNECTING project – Coastal Observer Network for moNitoring the EffeCTs of clImate chaNge along the Gambia River (ENV/2018/400-378). The assignment is expected to last until the end of the project, namely 31/08/2022.

Maximum budget
The total maximum budget for this service is 4.000,00 EUR.
The maximum budget for each position is 2.000,00 EUR.

Accountant n°1: Qualifications and experience required
– experience in accounting and financial services;
– at least one year work experience;
– previous experience in working with non-profit organisations.

Accountant n°1: Activities required
– keep the accounts;
– plan and prepare the declarations of income
– prepare the social balance document.

Accountant n°2: Qualifications and experience required
– experience in accounting and financial services;
– at least one year work experience;
– previous experience in working with non-profit organisations.

Accountant n°2: Activities required
– provide consulting services on tax-related issues;
– provide consulting services on financial issues;
– manage operations related to taxes/social security;
– ensure that ERI complies with all its obligations relating to tax issues.

The following scores will be assigned for each category identified below:
The award of this contract will be based on the following criteria:
– Price: max. 40 points
– Previous work experience: max. 40 points
– Completeness of proposal: max. 20 points

How to apply
The deadline for submission of bids is 10th February, 2022.

Method of submitting the application

Please submit a quotation to the ERI office in Corso Siccardi 11, Turin or to Quotations should include:
– cost of service;
– CV or short description of the firm.

Please download the Terms of Reference TOR Financial Analysis support (1)