Position of external expert on river coast monitorino

Date of publication


The European Research Institute intends to award a service contract for the position of external expert on river coast monitoring in The Gambia within the framework of the project CONNECTING – Coastal Observer Network for moNitoring the EffeCTs of clImate chaNge along the Gambia River. The project is co-funded by the EU through NAOSU – National Authorising Officer Support Unit, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, The Gambia. Please find the attached Terms of Reference document. The tender dossier is available from the European Research Institute office in Corso Siccardi 11, Turin (Italy). 

The deadline for submission of tenders is 6 May 2022 at 18:00 (CET).

Please submit your technical and economic offer to v.mauro@eri.net.in.

For additional information or clarifications/questions, please send an email to v.mauro@eri.net.in.

Please download the Terms of Reference and Technical Specifications Here.