ERI Hungary – European Research Institute Nonprofit Ltd Co (ERI Hungary), the communication partner of “Central Europe Green PRocurement and Innovation Network for Circular Economy” (CE-PRINCE) project led by Liguria Region, is seeking the services for awareness raising, networking and capacity building support for the implementation of the Interreg Central Europe project.
Details of the CE-PRINCE project and other relevant and important terms and conditions of the services requested are set out in the Terms of Reference which form part of this call for proposals and will form part of the service contract.
Please download the Call of Tenders here.
Please download the Terms of Reference here.
The awarded organisation shall perform the following tasks:
- Support the work of the CE-PRINCE Advisory Board (AB) through engaging experts across Europe and acting as a link towards European bodies and networks working on Circular Economy and Green Public Procurement.
- Representing the link between the project and stakeholders at the regional, national and European level, aiming at building an open dialogue on C/GPP towards policymakers.
- Reinforcing the stakeholder involvement in the project results both form the public authorities and companies’ sides.
- Promote the CE-PRINCE approach to have a resonance within European networks, raise awareness of the importance of C/GPP, and widespread knowledge transfer at different levels (policy, governance, international professional organizations and networks and external stakeholders).
- Reaching at least 250 local, regional, and national governments with the CE- PRINCE approach, communication materials and project results;
- Engaging and activating organisations for cooperation in the project;
- Supporting the CE-PRINCE capacity building and peer-to-peer exchange and demand-supply symposia on C/GPP activities with experts and expertise;
- Contributing to the development and sharing of the CE-PRINCE news, press releases, social media contents and leaflets via their network for at least 300 organisations.
Desirable requirements:
- Proven experience in management of EU funded green projects.
- Previous experience with projects on Green Public Procurement.
- Previous participation in the implementation of EU-funded projects.
The deadline for submission of indicative tenders is 07/11/2024 to ce-prince@eri.net.in using the indicative price offer table. For further details contact Emőke Takács at t.emoke@eri.net.in.
The deadline for submission of applications is the 20/01/2024. Please find further details in the Call.