Bordighera (IM)
Working Group
ERI, Dott. Monica Previati, Comune di Bordighera (IM)
Bordighera (IM)
October 2022 - ongoing

The Bordighera Blu Park project aims to recover, enhance and promote the use of a varied marine area overlooking the Municipality of Bordighera (IM) and characterized by three different areas: one accessible from the shore and usable by all (Capo Sant’Ampelio) ; a central one, deeper and accessible to divers (I Tuvi), rich in biodiversity; a deep one, little known and accessible to expert divers (Le Bianche), rich in rare species. The combination of these three zones creates an area of ​​inestimable ecological and naturalistic value but subject to strong anthropic pressures: fishing, pollution, absence of protection and valorization plans.

The project will contribute to recovering the ecosystem, protecting biodiversity, promoting sustainable management models, promoting public awareness of the benefits of investing in natural capital, also for its impact on the economy and society.

The intervention will develop over the course of 36 months, with actions on different levels – recovery, planning, widespread use, education, awareness-raising, communication – which will involve every possible interlocutor: from the local administration to residents, from tourists to students. The project will bring users closer to the theme of Ocean Literacy (knowing the sea and its connection with human existence and well-being) and will provide data, maps and documents to establish a protection area managed by the Municipality of Bordighera, and then start the process for requesting the establishment of a SIC (Site of Community Importance) which includes all three areas.

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For more info:

Project manager: Franco Borgogno –

Educational activities: Anita Pócsai –