Alessandria, Solero (AL)
Working Group
ERI, Prefecture of Alessandria
Alessandria, Solero (AL)
2015 - ongoing

The Welcome project was born in the spring of 2015 with the aim of providing an integral response to the complex phenomenon of the flow of migrants requesting international protection in Italian territory, establishing itself as an Extraordinary Reception Center which is part of the Reception System of the Ministry of Internal.

The main objective of the project is to accompany the beneficiaries during the time required to define their legal situation. Throughout this period, the Welcome project offers hospitality to men, women, minors and families, building an individualized project for each of them, with the aim of promoting well-being, developing personal resources and achieving adequate individual autonomy. In this sense, the project guarantees a series of services that allow guests to lead a life of increasing autonomy: medical-health assistance, socio-psychological support, social assistance, linguistic-cultural mediation, orientation, information and legal assistance in collaboration with private studios.

Another important objective of the project is to build links between the beneficiaries and the territory in which they are welcomed, encouraging the integration of people with the community, especially with those realities that demonstrate greater social sensitivity. In this sense, ERI has developed over time a series of initiatives that have allowed people in the municipalities of Alessandria and Solero to undertake professional training courses, enter the world of work and, more generally, integrate fully into the social fabric of the territory in which they began to build a new life.

The Welcome project currently welcomes 55 people, including individuals and families, in a series of housing units in the municipalities of Alessandria and Solero.

For more info:  accoglienza.al@eri.net.in